Curious about 2C only on a personal level as it's a bit weaker where I live compared to the rest of the fleet at 19E, SES suggest 75cm for 2C here compared to 50-60cm for the others.
Pulling from memory:
More than one community facility Digita + (vertical / low band) play readjust to lower levels and not be 100%, in the Canary Islands noticed the change of 1N to 2C, they had then everyone a friend moved in Turkey (glued to Athens) blind prefer the 180cm antenna.
Remember that is already near the end of its useful life, was released 16-june-2001 and remaining 2 years of life (in theory) of 15 estimates.
Anyone know 100% if the changes from 28 to 19 and back to 28 shorten util / fuel 2C life.? terms.?
Go to cemetery satellites indicate that they are 3-month shelf life.
Estimated useful life = "fuel".
Tirando de la memoria:
Mas de una instalacion comunitaria de Digita+ (vertical /banda baja) toco reajustar al bajar los niveles y no estar al 100%, en las Islas Canarias notaron el cambio del 1N al 2C, tenia entonce un amigo desplazado en Turquia (pegado a Atenas) se quedo ciego con la antena de 180cm.
Recordar que ya esta casi al final de su vida util, fue lanzado 16-june-2001 y le quedan 2 años de vida (en teoria) de los 15 estimados.
Alguno sabe 100% si los cambios de 28 a 19 y de vuelta a 28 acortaran vida util/combustible del 2C.? cuanto.?
Ir al cementerio de los satelites indican que son 3 meses de vida util.
Vida util estimada = "combustible".