How to use Elvis programmer.


Info Exec
Oct 9, 2002
Reaction score
How to use Elvis:

Click on power button.

Choose the com port that your Elvis is connected to

To program a Funcards

Click the Funcard tab

In the window with the scroll bar top left click on one of the empty spaces and give your

project a name.

Click in the card window "top right" and choose the type of Fun card

(24C64,24C128,24C256...) you want to program

If you are programming a 6in1 tick the Flash and EXT ee,now click the load button

underneath the Flash check box and load you Flash.hex then click the load button

underneath the EXT ee check box and load your EEprom.hex, click the program button your

card will now be programmed.

If you are programming a hex that requires the Internal EEprom to be programmed like

"Funvia" tick the INT EE box and click the load button underneath and load your internal

EEprom before you press the program button

To program a Piccards

Click the Piccard tab

In the window with the scroll bar top left click on one of the empty spaces and give your

project a name

Click in the card window "top right" and choose the type of card you want to program (Gold,

Silver,Green or Blue)

Click the load button under Where it says Pic,and load your pic.hex

Tick the EXT EE check box, click the load button directly below and load your EEprom.hex

Press the Program button to program your card