Last Laugh


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Jan 1, 2000
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[updated:LAST EDITED ON 05-09-01 AT 07:20 PM (GMT)]I am one of those people who until a few months ago didn't know there was more to Satellite TV than Sky TV, I used to have Sky analogue systems which unfortunately for Sky allow me to receive a few extra free German channels which after a while I begin to cherished more than the Sky package I was paying £30 a month for, so when Sky said it was time to go Digital I asked if can still receive my German channels and they said categorically NO and they were not willing to be flexible,I did some research and found this site and since then I have not look back although I have spent a lot of money I think it is worth every penny and moreover it has become an hobby whilst that was not my original intention,I don't even have much time to watch the TV now, as I am busy searching the net for the latest development,I now receive call very often from Sky TV begging me to subscribe to Sky Digital with the offer of receiving also My free German channel which was all I wanted originally,I told them in no uncertain terms where to go,but they wouldn't give up, each time they call me now I make ludicrous demand from them, I only hope more people in Britain would realise what a rip off Sky TV is and the alternative available to them.




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Jan 1, 1999
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I certainly would agree with many of these sentiments, particularly the cynical way Sky hoodwinks the layman into believing there are no other choices, and the insidiousness with which through blatent refusal to adopt open standards or even abide by European free-trade & monopolies legeslation they have now effectively locked-in the UK viewers (how would a competitor ever realistically hope to gain a foothold?)

But I can't entirely agree that they are ripping people off. At least, not in immediate terms. The value of their package (how many hundreds of channels available??) is astounding - even without the almost free installation and equipment. And the switch-over to digital has been the most customer-friendly of any I can think of across Europe. They've done it over a hugely drawn-out timetable (3 years overlap of analogue and digital) AND they've offered financial incentives.

In some countries, the equivalent provider offers only a tiny range of channels - many not even in the respective mother-tongue - for typically a much higher price. And all the equipment and installation is unsubsidised. In Holland, you can add to those woes the fact that Canal+ has three times switched platforms, each time requiring their entire customer base to go out and purchase new expensive receivers and cards OVERNIGHT and at FULL COST!! Hardly surprising that many Dutch viewers have simply grown weary of funding the random nonsense dreampt up during potty-training by the brain-dead two-year olds running that enterprise. At least piracy (of whatever pathetic little bit of service Canal+ ever do manage by accident to cobble together) offers the hope that some grown-ups can step-in once they've been bankrupted.
Oops. Almost slipped into a rant there...

PS: this idea that the UK is being ripped-off seems to be a recurring theme - see recent discussions on car-prices. So how come half of Europe's refugees are trying to sneak in every night? :-ohmy


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May 1, 1999
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[updated:LAST EDITED ON 05-09-01 AT 07:18 PM (GMT)]Perhaps they haven't heard about the ripoffs 2old. :D

Possibly they haven't got the message that the streets aren't paved with gold, or perhaps it's just that they speak more English than any of the other European languages.

Perhaps even they have got the idea that the French and other en-route countries don't want them and UK is the last resort.

I also agree with most of what the poster "formerly known as Prince" :D has stated, but do tend to think that whilst expensive, the Sky package does give more value for money than almost any other legitimately purhased European package.



Post Meister
Dec 31, 1999
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While everyone, so far, might think that SKY is a good deal - I would say it isn't. The UK based DSAT operator still asks for lots of wonga whilst still providing more than 70mins of commercials (spots) for every hour of actual programming output: or, at least that's what any conscript channel to SKY will give provide for your money.

Its something that only Americans understand, unfortunately.
Like, I have paid for the output, why should I have to pay to watch commercials ? Or something similar. Somehow, with only 17million DSAT households they have gotten there way. Meanwhile, in eurodisneyland ....... (full of US programming?) ......... sucks :-(

Have Fun,


P.S. For those that didn't understand what I said - It's a bit like hiring a car for a year - complete with "Pizza Express, your bestest Pizza" billboard stuck onto the side of the car - and the car rental company asks for a premium for carrying this board. What's the point ? Where is this going ?, etc.

Fcuk knows: either way you ARE being ripped-off. Sky have stated that the 'average spend per user' WILL increase. It will: and they WILL do this by stealth; rather like the UK government does.

I am sorry, but for SKY+, why should I pay an extra GBP10.00 for "constant updates" - for something that is transmitted constantly by satellite to my standard Digibox anyway.

Additionally, I do not like SKY's approach that - if you don't subscribe or continue your subscription to SKY+ - your SKY+ decoder will be defaulted to become an expensive "normal" Digibox.

Have Much Fun,



Honorary Admin
Jan 1, 1999
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...not an expensive normal digibox, but an expensive crippled digibox...!

...but at the risk of sounding like Reggie Perin's doctor ("just tells you he's got it worse and sends you away with a couple of aspirin") there are ads on one or more of the channels on almost all digital satellite services. In Canal+land Canal+ even charge an annual fee for the "Free To View" non-Canal+ stuff they carry, and if it is not paid the arrogant crooks disable our cards... and that despite the fact that every viewer has paid a TV-licence fee already (in fact, every taxpayer has to pay the TV licence here whether or not they have TV...). What's more, the Canal+ specified "Mediasat" boxes don't even operate as FTA boxes if there is no valid card inserted.

Like I said before... no wonder there's so much piracy across here. Now take these two aspirin and shut the door behind you...


Channel Hopper

Suffering fools, so you don't have to.
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Jan 1, 2000
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Once youve seen what is available from around the world it would beggar belief that you would subscribe to SKY as the sole broadcaster for your viewing entertainment.

I will agree that there are probably reasons to have it as a second system, as there are dedicated channels (SciFi being one) that would be impossible to find elsewhere, and if present, be able to subscribe to on an individual basis. However the fact that the channel is 'bundled ' in among others that one would not dream of watching lends to the argument of avoiding subscription until the situation is revised

The constant adverts should surely pay for what weve been asked to watch on the non-premium channels though, I cant believe that it costs any broadaster much to put down repeats (Granada and Sky 2, and the Soap channel should surely be in the free package). The Americans are used to commercials but do they really have to interrupt in the same way over in Europe. I was appalled at the amount that the French are prepared to put up with on M6 for example.

2Olds rant on Treaty of Rome issues raised some good points which are unfortunately either suppressed by , or go straight over the heads of the masses. Whilst it is reasonable to pay for the newspaper materials to get your daily input, the material within is effectively public knowledge once it is read out aloud. Is there a law to prevent you passing a newspaper round amongst your friends ? Any lawyers out there reading this might want to give their professional view on comparison to the medium of television and how a houshold might infringe the new rules.