Actually, the security aspect could be dealt with twice over. First is GSM's built-in encryption. Secondly, I can't see that they would rely on simple texts, they are much more likely to use a voice/message service such as Zello or Broadnet which controls the membership of the group. If a phone is lost then it can be cut out of the group.
All it takes is for a router to be swapped thinking they have the last laugh, or a hacking of a mobile phone to some degree could also be argued that the people in Power will one day push the wrong person around and they may get the shock of their life, but I know they were only thinking of others
Certain special people in a position of power (or claim to be) was aware of all the "information" a very very long time ago!
Those at the helm know exactly who that is claiming to be out for everyone is really out to grab as much as he can, thinking he is being smart!
And they are convinced that betting on both will give them the outcome they are looking for! I bet they don't count the wild card in the deck! Before they make there import decision on who to step on today!
If I can face myself then why do "the powers that be" need to cry into their glasses each night, oh wait I remember!
Just a little joke to some of you
Look forward to returning the missing items and show you do actually have an once of dignity in your body!
He could be out hunting himself and his families as he tries to cast the shadow of doubt around but one day he might just realise he is long past it!
He is used to empty promises, I know who he goes home to