any more tp activThe H2Sat satellite appears to have arrived at its location of 0.5°E.
On-station telemetry with frequency 10953,50 V has been activated.
View attachment 151124
This satellite has LEOP/Emergency S-band telemetry, frequency 2285.973 with circular polarity (unfortunately I cannot receive it as I don't have S-band equipment).
How about: believe it, we'll not keep it secret if we find any?any more tp activ
Syracuse 4B, should go 6 or 7°W.Heinrich Hertz (H2Sat), will be 0.5°E, TT&C on 2285.373-2286.573 MHz.
Syracuse 4B probably near 46°E or 5°W, no details yet.
Both satellites with electric propulsion.