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New blindscan drivers released.,

The main change is support for m88rs6060 chips. This make tbs6902SE and tbs6904SE work

with the blindscan code and with neumoDVB. Everything works, except constellation display.

These cards have the unique feature that they support automatic detection oif the Physical Scrambling Code.

This is supported as well.

The cards also feature an FFT processor, and the drivers exploit this to capture a spectrum with a resolution of


The drivers also support low bit rate muxes (e.g., Alouette, 667 kSs on 5.0W), but beware that small LNB local oscillator

deviations can cause problem. Also, the spectrum is not fine enough to detect these muxes. So you have to enter an approximate

frequency and symbol rate for the initial scan.

All changes in release-0.9.0

  • Blindscan and spectrum upport for montage m88rs60606 based cards: tbs6902SE and tbs2904SE.
  • Support m883s6060 module unloading
  • stid135: BER is now reported properly othrough the PRE instead of POST error counters
  • Improved correction of discontinuities in spectrum due to small errors in RF level
  • stid135: detected multi-stream IDs are now accumalated internally
  • Added DTV_BIT_RATE readout via dvbapi
  • stid135: improper estimation of required  llr rate, causing rai multistream on 5.0W to not tune sometimes (green blocks in picture)
  • stid135: changed default spectral resolution: slightly slower scan, but more narrow-band muxes found
  • Add support for timing lock flag
  • stv091x: return more correct data about currently tuned mux (instead of returning what user requested)
