Unfortunatelly i am not going out till march,my stepdaughters are there at then moment but woudlnt expect them to be able to get all the channels of for me,But when i return i will be willing to send you a list of channels i am pulling,
On LYNGSAT website there are all the default transponder setting and if i try one on the astra 2d beam for instance and get it(which i know will be pretty impossible then i will let u know)For the euro bird beam which i know is few few degrees away from astra 2a,b will it be possible to use the same tuner and lnb to try and pick up channels,as i have seen dishes with 2 lnbs on them one piggy backed on the lnb bracket pointing a few degrees different and wonderd what this was for??
I put my pace 2600 c1 on my mates 1.5m dish before i hooked up to a 1.2 myself and at the time i had an expiring S** card(now have free veiw card)and was pulling many channels but as the card has expired and i dont pay S** my choices have dwindled,The pace 2600 c1 has a very strong tuner but was wondering if you knew of any boxes with stronger tuners in???,I am also thinking of just putting in a signal booster as currently have about 30m of cable to my dish,I have a good quality LNB i am told(shared dish)so if i boost that signal loss back up along with a strong tuner in my box hopefully i may have a good chance of pulling more channels,i have heard chinese whispers of people pulling bb1 on pace 2600 c1s in the canaries on 1.5m dishes(but might just be BS)but surely to have any chance of doing this i will have to have the strongest signal possible,so a signl booster may help.