they flow over the internet.
i did try bbc 1 and HBO USA using sling box and the picyure was good.
about 8.5 10 being max.
they use a mpeg 4 or h264 flow system.
its not free.
you pay a amount 20 to 30 pounds a month and can receive bbc 1,2,3 itv 1,2,3 and some others.
you should have high speed internet at home as well.
the hosting flows the signal at 3 to 4 mege bits/s and you receive it at 2 to 3 megabits a sec.
i have 7 mega here in italy and it flowed to ne at 2.4 mege and it was good quality.
this was 2 years ago.
it has probaly got better by now.
this is good for expats who dont want to install a 4 meter dish.
but if you are in spain then a smaller dish 2 meter or a 1.6 will probaly pich up the bbc service and no mothly charge.