7..and again ..
the orange seller and the toll bridges ..
A young girl returning from market aftet selling oranges ....wanted to get home quickly so decided to use the toll bridges instead of going the long way round.
When she reached the first bridge she decided to try and barter passage ..saying to the man in charge.
I will give you half the oranges left in my sack ..plus half an orange if you let me pass ..
The bridge operative agreed to this ..and she went on her way ...until she reached the next bridge where she repeated her offer ...
The second operative agreed ...and allowed her to coninue home ..
One more toll bridge stood in her way ...so she made the offer again and it was accepted ....which emptied her sack ...but hastened her journey home ...
How many oranges did she have left in her sack after her day at the market ..when she reached the first bridge.
Spot on Dave
Well ...might as well own up now ...Take any three digit number, with all the digits being different, e.g. 683. Write it down in reverse, and subtract the smaller from the larger. The answer will always have 9 in the middle and the last digit in the answer subtracted from the 9 will give the first digit. 683 - 386 = 297. Amaze your friends by telling them the correct answer every time, just by knowing the last digit.
You really do need to work on that accentThis works in a Dublin accent.
What is really annoyin'?
A six upside down.