LNB Positions



Yesterday I decided to try my C1-pll Lnb on the prime position on my 1.25 dish, from 7.5° off centre. After swapping it over I started to scan a couple of sats, and I can say all I gained was 2 channels! So I decided to move the c-band lnb to the other side of prime. And I was quite surprised with the results, it made no difference to the db but cut the ber by almost half.

View attachment 79246

So I swapped the Ka band lnb and this made a huge difference, my signals from 19E HV was halved from 10db to 5 db but the picture has been watchable all the time.


@Vipersan i swapped the Ka band lnb to the other side and it dropped the db by half, but also dropped the ber.

So now I am able to watch newsnet at 5db.