It’s a problem of the sensor in the card slot not detecting the card, that’s why jamming thin card on top of the sky one can help.
There are a couple of DIY work arounds, take the card reader to bits (unfortunately the ‘interactive’ card slot is in the same module so it can be quite fiddly) you can then check all contacts and try and press something against the sensor.
Alternatively I read another solution a few months ago, a bit more hands on, but if you have an old spare/unwanted receiver (like an old analogue videocrypt one) take the card reader out of that. It wont fit in the correct place in the Panasonic, but you should be able to rest it in the pcmica/cam space at the rear of the receiver. Then completely remove the existing card readers and soldier connections to the replacement reader. 6 core phone cable is good for this, but anything should work. Make sure you soldier it to where the Sky card connections are rather than the interactive one. Finally put your Sky card in the replacement reader and test it. this makes changing your sky card a bit difficult (opening the box to do it). If you want to be really neat you could remove the blanking plate covering the cam slot and mount the card reader (somehow, perhaps with excessive amounts of blu tack) behind the opening so you can slot the card in and out without opening the box.
Of course that method also starts frantic reports of people saying they have seen ‘working sky hacks’, swearing blind that they have seen a digibox decrypt sky channels without a card in the slot – which of course they have seen.