i was living in varese up until october and i had all the bbc
Hi Dbolton
Do yu mean that in Varese you could receive all the BBC channels using a mere 1.mt dish while here in Rome we cannot receive them even using a monster of 3.0 mt ?
That's just add more to my frustration !
I really hope that someone of BBC read these threads so they can understand how useless was their move to 2D.
Anyway getting back to 28.8 i hope that by now you have already fixed your problem, i'm writing because I just realised now that yesterday I gave you a piece of information not correct : as a matter of fact the Tp for Ch4 is 12.168 and not 12.778 as I erroneously said yesterday.
As for the rest still applies, for your convenience I would have liked to attach a table with the values of signal strenght an quality as recorded from my 0.8 dish when I installed it 2 years ago ( please do not consider the software issue ) .
Regrettably after 5 attemps there was no way to attach my pdf file to this post ( i wonder if there is any problem with the server ) , anyway if you are interested you may always e-mail me to this address :
and I will send it a copy
In principle if you cannot reproduce the same results then it is likely that your dish need some alignments ( orientation, skew ) .
Actually you should get better figures as your dish is larger although the location of Palombara I understand should be slightly worse than Rome ( as a rule of thumb the more east of Rome you go the worse is the reception as demonstrated by some guys in Abruzzi who were not able to receive CH4 even with a 1.5 dish )
In the unlikely case that if you have the same signal results and still cannot watch CH4 there could be either a problem with the software of your box or some more serious hardware problem for which I'm afraid I cannot be of much help.
Best wishes for 2005 and good luck for your installation