Any news on this yet? I saw this post on Tuesday and had to fax it to a mate because, like me he's got an old Nokia with dvb2000 on it and wants a new cam because everything has moved on a stage.The annoying thing is that I passed a Lidle store on Thursday evening but couldn't stop because me and the wife were on our way to our college courses!
Anyway, I'll make a diversion on the way home tommorow and make a fool of myself by asking some baked bean face of a kid, "Have you got any Satellites left?" and if there are any left explain to the misses the seventy quid dent in me Visa card next month, but it wouldn't surprise me if all the Big Boy's were out there snapping them up by the trolley full! You watch "Wotsat's" adverts in two months time, "Cheap Digisats" they'll say, "Only two hundred notes plus free cam!"
Sorry for sounding bitter but I fell for this nearly ten years ago with the "old" D2-Mac. I'm just bitter because I do it as a hobby and not for a living!
Anyway, if I can get one I'll try to give a full report on it so everyone can make a full and valued judgement on it!
(It does look good though...)