Recent content by andy g

  1. andy g

    Batten Down The Hatches 2010/11

    :-irishI was walking home this morning and I saw a Bowler Hat lying on top of the snow so I booted it and there was a blokes head under it. I apologized and said I will go and get a shovel he said get a long shovel I am on a horse and cart.:-smile3
  2. andy g

    signal amplifier

    Jon Cann, I think the best way to settle this problem, would be to build a small shed under the dish and put all your satellite gear in there that should sort the problem.If that does not work cut down the apple tree. best regards andy g.
  3. andy g

    Stealth 232

    Well put together Mickha: good explanations in both instances, very easy to understand.I have seen explanations before on other boards where you have to be a mathematician to understand it. best regards andy g.
  4. andy g

    Receivers which work with the MR and those which don't

    Manhattan Starlight 6800, work's with Matrix Reloaded perfectly: regards andy g
  5. andy g

    unsupported Titanium OS found

    hi assicuratore, use phoenix in 3.58mhz. regards andy g