
  1. npire1

    Will the Vu+ Duo2 be as good as the Humax Foxsat Hdr for fringe reception

    Hi I am thinking of replacing my Humax Foxsat Hdr for a Vu+ Duo 2 box but just a bit worried If It will be as good as my Humax box at fringe reception ? I would like to change to the Vu+ Duo 2 so I can combine all the paid tv I have from astra 19.2 & 23.5 with the freesat. Apparently this...
  2. P

    Advice Needed 'New Old Stock' Foxsat HD box ?

    Hello, can I ask for your advice please. I previously set up a LiDL FTA SD kit at my elderly parents' remote place in southern Scotland about eight years ago and it has worked pretty well in that time, except for poor reception in heavy rain and the dish sometimes being knocked off target in...