@ William
I was watching it for a while on my 5925. No commentary on the feed, just stadium noise on one of the audio channels.
To get the best out of the 5925 you will need a powerful graphics card in your PC. I got a new PC recently, built by someone who does computers for gaming. Has a GTX 970 card which copes easily with H264 feeds (like Question Time BBC feeds), and can handle the multistream channels and 4K to some extent. I'm not sure you could get something as powerful for a laptop.
I have the 5925 looped through from my Dr HD receiver, which I use to tune in the feeds first. I think this is easier than using the 5925 to control the motor etc. For anyone using DVB Dream with a TBS receiver, there is new software on their site today, including improved blind scan. I haven't loaded it yet.
Sorry for going off topic.