I found some non DVB-S signals to test some ancient test equipment on.
At 5E low band vertical something is transmitting pulses at different intervals.
11050 MHz is one frequency but there are others too. My big dish is fixed so
I can't track 2E but some day it will be motorised so why not test the rest of
the equipment now.
The main part is a panoramic receiver, 1 - 18 GHz. Not very good on sensitivity
and selectivity but robust. A splitter on the LNB-connection, a DC-block and
a preamp gives a useful readout but it's all analog so you have to calculate
frequency and span yourself. Setting sweep width to zero makes it a fast
signal strength meter so amplitude modulation can be detected.
Hopefully I can get the smell of the bacon when 2E comes close to 28,x E.
11050 MHz 5E low band vertical
28,4E low band vertical