Welcome to the forum Dan.
The easiest way, to lock onto a satellite, is by using a satellite meter, even a cheap one, you can get online, or from a local DIY shop.
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This connects between your LNB and your receiver, and allows you to tweak your dish, to get the strongest possible signal quality, as well as testing your cable, as if not connected correctly it doesn't light up.
You turn the knob, to the left, increasing the sensitivity, until it reads around 5, mid point, then gently move your dish, left/right, until it reads 10, maximum. You then decrease the sensitivity, by turning the knob to the right, until again it reads 5, move your dish again, to get it to 10, then keep continuing the process, until you have the maximum signal quality.
You then tilt the dish, slightly, adjusting the meter, as you do so, to once again get the maximum signal quality, and then scan in channels, on your receiver, to check which satellite you're on, or post the results, on the forum, so that someone can identify them.
You might also want to check on dishpointer.com, to see the general direction, where you should be pointing your dish, just type in your postcode, select 0.8W, from the drop down satellite box, and zoom in on the map, to your house, and roughly where you have your dish located, moving the green icon, as you do so. You can then also check to see if there are any obstructions, between your dish, and various satellites.
None of this is difficult, and it's made a lot easier, as you have your dish at ground level.
Can you please post some pictures, of your dish, motor, and pole, as it would help a lot.
When setting up a motorized system you must start with the basics, the first being getting your pole perfectly plumb, so that your satellite dish can track the satellite arc correctly.