... Is there any point in getting a 65 cm over a 60 cm dish? Will it make any difference in London? Also, what brands do you suggest for a good quality dish and LNB?
5cm size "difference" is irrelevant - doubt you would see
any difference at all between them - if you want something bigger then the next significant step would be a decent 75/80cm dish.
BTW: don't be mislead by the quoted sizes - those are generally the distances from the lower edge to the upper edge, whereas the actual significant dimension is usually the horizontal distance of the dish from one edge to the other! Also, different brands and/or advertisers quote these dimensions in different ways and often "generous with the truth" *(and that goes for the big brand names as well as the no-name ones)!
Many available in 75/80cm sizes, often complete with an LNB, quite cheaply but construction and mounting arrangements differ. For a sat with a good footprint in your area, it probably would not make a great difference which one you choose - but the differences between correct or incorrect/sloppy installation of the dish and LNB will however have a far more significant effect than the differences between the dishes of "similar sizes".
However, if you want to be sure and to buy "quality stuff" then something like a TRIAX TD78 or TD88 (both of which are actually "smaller" in reality!) plus an Inverto Black Ultra LNB might be a good starting point - the TD88 is probably the one shown in post #21 -
but other members will soon point out other options.
(Also there are lots of s/h dishes & LNBs on ebay/Gumtree/Sphock - some would make pretty good bargains, but one has to be careful on what is chosen and what the realistic prices should be - some people ask virtually the same prices for old stuff as for new items, not realising that the market is actually awash with similar s/h stuff!).
OTOH, TBH, I've got several Lidl/Coship LNBs which cost me about £5-6 each 15 years ago, and, for most purposes, I can't see much real difference in performance between them and the Invertos or the Technomate TM-01s that I bought a couple of years ago !