From what I see and read in this thread, it looks like your trying to make up a small local CATV system.
Your going to have troubles with intermod when trying to add odd and even channels in the same frequency band (UHF) to the system, when channels 21 and 22 (or any two adjacent channels) are combined the intermod (frequency A + frequency B = frequency C) will wipe out a third channel higher (or lower) in the system.
What is done in the CATV business is to put the channels in different bands, this will separate out the odd and even channels so all adjacent channel intermod problems are eliminated.
I don't know if you can use the VHF band or get channel converters/ modulators to do this, but there is no way to use all the odd and even channels you want to in a single UHF setup, (channels 21 to 69) not with out some very expensive channel combiners, modulators and IM filters.