CrossEPG 'losing' HDD?


Regular Member
Sep 7, 2010
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My Satellite Setup
DreamBox DM800HD - Technomate TM600 - Technomate TM500 Super - SkyBox F5 -- Triax TD110 Dish on TM2600 Motor - Zone 1 sky dish
My Location
Newcastle, UK
On my DM800HD Clone (Sim 2.01 BL84a DreamboxUK PLi based image), when the downloader runs for CrossEPG, all goes well until you check the CrossEPG settings afterwards and 'internal flash' is selected for the EPG storage and the HDD cannot be selected, so if it tries again the next day it will freeze because it is filling the internal flash.

Then HDD is still useable for everything else (Recording, playback, browsing), just can't be selected in the CrossEPG config.

If I restart the box I'm able to select HDD again and it functions again UNTIL the downloader runs again, then I'm back to square one.

Other than restarting the box daily and reselecting the HDD I'm not sure what I can do, any suggestions, anyone had a similar problem?

EDIT: I have googled, btw, and the only advice I found was to downgrade from 0.6.2 to 0.6, tried this and while it does keep the HDD at the target, doesn't actually work. It runs through the motions of downloading then shows nothing on the EPG