Advice Needed Diseqc 1.1 switch insertion loss


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Oct 12, 2003
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From what you say, what do I understand as a continental European that RG11 cable is not found in your stores if I want to buy and use it?
I'm not sure if you are directing that question to me or to @Terryl, but my comments would be:
a) we actually have very few dedicated satellite equipment vendor stores in the UK now as most have closed down - although one or two of the remainings might have, or be able to get, RG11 but that would undoubtedly be expensive.
b) OTOH, we do have a very few local small shops that cater mainly for the immigrant communities wanting to looking at home-country language programmes on European sats, but rarely needing anything much more than normal Sky or small offset dishes and "normal" cables.

Therefore, getting RG11 would take time to even find a store or source that could then supply it - even if it were worth doing (which it is not for most of us).


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Oct 12, 2003
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One of the general issues with "RG" series cables are that the definitions are sketchy and don't actually seem to guarrantee what you will actually get when you buy them, or who made them, and the info printed on the sheaths is also often very sketchy (and doesn't include the manufacturer's name, so you wouldn't then even know who is claiming compliance with the relevant RG spec!).

That's why buying branded cables from known and reliable sources against their own published specs is the best way to actually get what you expect.

PS: generic cable descriptions like "satellite cable" have the same issues!

PPS: having spent most of my working life in industries where the need for specifications and evidence of compliance therewith was often critical from a safety and regulations perspective, I am very sceptical about claims of compliance with specifications, and the claimants thereof, until I can be sure that I've received solid and reliable evidence that fully supports those claims.

OTOH, many times it was often rapidly clear to me that the claimed/presented "evidence" simply "was not worth the paper it was written on" !
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Specialist Contributor
Oct 12, 2003
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.....OTOH, many times it was often rapidly clear to me that tha the claimed/presented "evidence" simply "was not worth the paper it was written on" !
PS to the above:
Much of the cable we can actually buy in the UK now comes from China (PRC), and it once was (probably still is in many cases!) true that when a foreign company went to buy "technical stuff" from a Chinese manufacturer it would be asked "What do you want printed on the rating plates, or reels & sheaths in the case of cables?" but there would then be little in the way of supporting evidence required/provided to support any specification-compliance markings etc.!

I've come across quite a few cases of that, and why I would always try to buy from EU/UK companies which are under legal obligations to ensure compliance with any relevant regulations and standards (but, even so many don't meet, or even know of, those obligations)!

I'm also often dubious about the "CE Marking" on kit as there is another, well known, "version", with a subtly different graphic, called the "China Export" marking - that marking simply means that the product was exported from China, and makes/gives no claims of compliance with any regulations, standards or specifications! Google it to find out more and then you may be as sceptical/cynical as I often am!
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