It will be a bit different, but thanks to your and Marcus' checks soon we will find out!
What we know: 24 C-band and 36 Ku-band transponders (plus 2 L-band).
Express AM7 has no Ka-band.
In C-band, you and Marcus reported 3825, that could mean 24 * 40 MHz transponders in 3600...4.200 range.
In Ku-band, you found 12730, that could mean 12 * 36 MHz transponders in 12.5...12.75 range.
There are 24 transponders left, if they are also 36 MHz they would fit 10.95...11.2 and 11.45...11.7 perfectly!
It would be nice if they used 10.7...10.95 and 11.2...11.45 instead, but that's just my wishful thinking...
Like before with Express AM1, receiving AM7 Ku-band in Europe will be a challenge.