i had take better measurements : offset+declinaison is adjustable from 22° to 27° ! (with this polar mount from channel master)
but in france where i live declinaison is about 7° (6.5 to 6.91)
if CM180 is 22° offset : i need 22+7 = 29° minimum ???
Declination offset angle =
0 degrees at the equator, and goes up to
max about 8.5 degrees at Latitude 81 degrees North/south, where the due south/north satellite is
only just above the horizon (and a motorized dish is of little value there, I would guess, as the arc is very small there...
Does that answer your question?
BTW. Is the surface at the back of the dish, where you screw on the mount, exactly parallel to the dish face? I would check that too. (I, alas, have no such dish...)