Hello everyone. I thought I would summarise my conclusions after much tweaking, prodding, fiddling and buying that one extra thing off eBay.
(5 year old Sony TV, moderate cable run, 4-port Technomate Diseqc switch, SE London)
- You can get usable signals from a 60 cm dish from several satellites. So it's easy if you just one of 19.2E, 13E, 42E etc.
- I found it best to not try and set the skew for what I though it should be: instead, optimise with a sat meter for direction with 0 skew, then pick a weaker channel and use the TV strength meter to judge how rotating the LNB changes the reported strength/quality.
- Of course I was trying to squeeze maximum option of 4 satellites. I found I could *just* do 3 on 60 cm dish; off-axis performance went down a lot, and there wasn't enough room physically to cram normal LNBs in there. I could just get this working acceptably:
Inverto Green LNB (narrower feedhorn) for 19.2E, with another in front/overlapping for 13E and another on the side for 28.2/5E. But adjustment was a nightmare. The LNB bracket bolts and screws would hit each other or block each other so you had to find the one way you could add/adjust them all.
But no way could I get the 4th LNB on. I also tried an Inverto Black which has a normal-sized feedhorn which is nice and long, so I could try 2 brackets. Also it seemed more sensitive than the Green LNB. But ultimately the feedhorn size was a problem.
So in the end I bought a new 80cm Triax dish - and it's all so much easier. Firstly it's much easier to adjust the vertical angle as it uses nuts only on one side. There is much more space to fit LNBs which no longer have to be overlapping with the Greens, and adjustment is possible after the LNBs are on. I should have done this from the start :-) (except my wife might have complained if I hadn't gone via a smaller dish first...) And the extra total signal capture means that absolutely exact positioning is not so critical. And you can route cables through the arm.
See pic for how I ended up: focusing on 26.5E, touching LNB on the right is for 28.2/5E, left green for 19.2E and then a Technomate far left for 13E.
Now I am not going to touch this setup, at least for a while. I did try and get 26E but it just seemed swamped by 28.2/5E. Would I need an even bigger dish to get a narrower beamwidth do you think?
- Do put the dish somewhere you can easily get to (consistent with line-of-sight of course) as you'll be up and down a ladder a lot
- Don't forget you left the sat signal strength meter on the cable outside and let it get soaked for several days. You will need to buy another one.