Sun is acting up

Further to this post

there is research suggesting the poles will flip at different times, north in August and south a few months later

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Wow, that was a tough read.....I still can't quite get a wrap around the fact that a magnetic field such as the one in the Sun can split and have two different polarity pole reversals, one for the North and then one for the South, I'm in the old thinking of it happening at the same time.
Wow, that was a tough read.....I still can't quite get a wrap around the fact that a magnetic field such as the one in the Sun can split and have two different polarity pole reversals, one for the North and then one for the South, I'm in the old thinking of it happening at the same time.
It has been suggested before there could be more than two poles.

The sun might be composed of two independent bodies working as one, unknown to the lower intelligence living on this satellite.
Looks like it might be time to get out the double shielded box's for the electronics, and dust off the tube radios, if a really big one hits us we may be knocked back into the stone age.
You must have been reading a different article than the one you linked to.
Not if you connect the first part of the text (a return of the sunspot area at the end of May) to the last (a potential Carrington-level event)

The link

is virtually throwaway.

AR3664 and the replacements are nothing special, it is their positioning in relation to the earth that have repercussions.
AR3695 is changing rapidly.

There has been a major solar flare overnight (X2.9), possibly from AR3686 to the east, so just on the edge.

And AR3664 is back Wednesday morning, already visible despite being still out of direct view.
