Still hoping for an answer to this. Does TBS5925 work with Enigma2?
Yes, for me the TBS5925 is working with two different boxes, DM800se and SF4008.
I can’t guarantee it will work for you and I will take no responsibility for your installations.
The DM800se was the difficult one:
This is my own instructions how I myself got it working (after days of searching, failing and trying). The OpenMultiboot (OM
installation is on internal sata SSD.
I made it the whole way from step 1 (below), but I suggest it may be possible to begin with step 4 if OpenATV 7.x is not wanted:
4. Remove possible USB stick to prevent USB boot.
5. Install in flash “openpli-4-release-dm800se-20191216”:
6. Install filebrowser and OMB from menus.
7. Install (“Install local extensions”) att least nfidump_1.0_all.ipk from here:
dflash 13.x original (exklusive binaries) - Newnigma²
8. I think it’s good advice to restart the box before using OMB install of images.
9. Remember to run the “Fix mount devices (for Pli)” and to enable OMB (Enable ‘/sbin/open_multiboot’) and “Enable boot meny” in OMB’s configuration menu (blue button).
10. It seems that the *.nfi file has to be packed in a *.zip file for this version of OMB.
11. OMB install image “Satdreamgr-4.0-gst1-dm800se-20181023”:
12. Install TBS drivers in running Satdreamgr (enigma2-plugin-drivers-dvb-usb-tbs)
13. Be sure TBS5925 is connected and powered and you also probably have to restart the box.
14. Good luck.
These first steps I did, may be optional:
1. Install OpenATV 7.3 according to this:
openATV Forum: Austausch über DVB, OpenATV-Images, Receiver-Konfigurationen, TV-Optimierung und Support. Treten Sie der Community bei!
2. Install filebrowser and OMB from menus.
3. Download and OMB install from running OpenATV 7.3
Octagon: For the SF4008 it was quite easy to make the TBS5925 work, latest today with “openeight-6.8-sf4008-20240307_usb”, OMB installed in slot 2, downloaded from here:
I hope this suggestions for instructions may be useful.
May somebody tell if there is any hope for TBS5930 as well?