I have been monitoring this satellite since July 23rd (when it reached 50°E), using a 125cm dish and the TT3200-S2 sat card. Until yesterday it has not recorded any carrier tests and the telemetry signals were always in circular polarity (both RHCP). Then yesterday afternoon a carrier test was recorded on the frequency 12130 H, and lasted about an hour.
Today 8 more carrier tests appeared with frequencies: 11938 H, 12169 H, 12284 H, 11727 V, 12111 V, 12149 V, 12188 V and 12265 V.
I checked the telemetry signals again and they have switched to linear polarity (11697,50 V and 11700,50 H).
PS: I can't insert another image of the telemetry frequency 11700,50 H, to reach the maximum 10 images.
According to news reports, Turksat 6A should remain in the 50°E position for at least 90 days, for the renewal of some ITU licenses.