No no no! Thats a recipe for all sortes of issues. Interference leaking in, short circuits, damage to the reciver and so on
Interference (signal ingress), and impedance problems, I agree.
I also would agree to accept this
only as a temporary, hobbyist solution.
But short circuits, and receiver damage, I don't see that happening quickly. Normally the receivers that I've seen switch into protect mode when a cable shortage happens, without permanent damage to the receiver. So I'd like to add this as a 'nuance'.
Though I hope that
@anana realizes, that there is 13 to 18 Volt on the cable!
The manual A/B switch, priority switch, or satellite splitter would absolutely be the preferred solutions.
(In the old days there were also IR-satswitches, but I don't think they can be found anymore.)