Hello everybody !
I'm trying to update my nokia 9800 s from ma1.3 to ma2.0 with these steps :Equipment:
Computer with serial COM port.
Serial 9-pin null-modem cable.
SerialServer program.
1. Save the files SerialServer.exe and the download file sysSW.dl in the
same directory. Make sure that the Set-top-box is disconnected from the
power supply and no other program uses the COM port you wish to use
for the download.
2. Decide if you want to use communication port COM1 or COM2 and
press "Options" to set the right port. Also make sure that the following
communication parameters are set in the control panel, port settings:
* bits/second: 19200
* data bits: 8
* stop bits: 1
* parity: none
* flow control: hardware (or maybe none)
3. Press "Open Image" and select the file that should be downloaded to
the box [typically sysSW.dl]. (This file has been created with dsmcc_tool)
4. Press "Start Download" and plug in the set top box.
But at these time download don't start, and the pc say to me that the set top box don't responded.I try for several times but without success.
Please help me my friends !