Are you currently receiving signals, from all the satellites, just not at a high signal quality?
When setting up you set everything to 0, then enter your correct Latitude, and Longitude, on your receiver, send your motor/dish to a suitable satellite, in this case 0.8W, using your receiver.
You then physically swing the motor/dish. on the pole, until you get your strongest signal quality, on 0.8W.
Once the dish/motor have been moved, to 0.8W, the 0, on your motor, should be pointing at your Longitude position, 2.1W
You also adjust the brackets, to peak your signal, carefully tighten everything up, then send it to your furthest East, then West, satellites, to check the signal quality.
You then send it back to 0,8W, and make minor adjustments, on the brackets, to alter the arc your dish is travelling, then send it East, and West, again, to see if your quality readings have improved, always moving it back to 0.8W to make any adjustments.
You keep doing this until you're satisfied.
It's a matter of trial, and error., to peak the signal quality, on the available satellites.