I did some tests. These are my results:
dmac - unscrambled - test signal @19.5MHz
-locked, ok
dmac - unscrambled - test signal @20.25MHz
-locked, bit noisy
dmac - unscrambled - test signal @19.5MHz
-locked, ok
dmac - single cut - test signal @20.25MHz
-no lock
d2mac - single cut - test signal @20.25MHz
-locked, bit noisy, cutpoints are visible
d, or d2mac - single cut - video file input @20.25MHz
-no lock
d, or d2mac - single cut - video file input @17.50MHz
-locked, cutpoints are visible
So sample rate of 20.25 MHz doesn't solve the noise and the visible cutpoints problem at me. Maybe it's an issue of my decoder. Also my Thomson SVA1 decoder was not perfect as I remember. A picture was always a bit noisy after decrypting. Later on I didn't have this problem on my Thomson TSR610 VC2 decoder.
Even so a performance problem about my computer is really is there. If I start the webrowser while I am transmitting with hackRF my decoder drops lock (d, or d2mac - single cut - video file input @17.50MHz). CPU usage is about 112% and the load is only about 1.2 (I have 4 cores).