My turn to chip in... I live in eastern Var, very close to the border with the Alpes-Maritimes. Many Brits (including me) have had to upgrade to 120 cm dishes and, for the present at least, these appear to be adequate. Reception will fail in bad weather but we haven't had much of that recently!
I have recommended to quite a few folk (and helped to install) the steel 120 cm dish from the 2galli site mentioned earlier and it has proved to be satisfactory. The only problem we have had is that several dishes have been dented in transit, though none of them were damaged enough to present problems. The worst had a big dent and should have been refused at delivery, but a neighbour accepted the delivery without checking it.
The dish being steel, I found that we could push the dent out (putting the dish on a duvet and pinging the dent out with my foot!) and the dish works fine. That wouldn't have been possible with an aluminium dish, I suspect, so my preference would be for steel...