Yet another sat-nav fiasco


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Jul 26, 2003
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Scottish Borders
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A coach load of pensioners were trapped for four hours in a narrow country lane in Gloucestershire after satellite navigation sent them the wrong way.
The coach driver followed the directions, which the system thought was the quickest route, despite local people waving at her to stop.

She thought it was a shortcut to the A48 near Chepstow from Coleford.

The day-trippers, who were looking for a country pub for lunch, were treated to tea by a couple living nearby.

The coach was rescued from Rosemary Lane by a nearby farmer, who towed the coach, which was wedged between some large hedges, across his fields and back on to the A48.

Update records

Locals say the quiet country lane regularly attracts holidaymakers towing caravans, lorry drivers and white vans looking for a shortcut.

Ian McDonald, 70, a retired transport manager, said: "This wasn't a one-off and it's been happening for about two years.

"We can only assume that these sat-nav systems are telling drivers that our road is the quickest or shortest route from Chepstow, which it isn't."

Residents are asking sat-nav companies to update their records and have written to their local MP Mark Harper.

"It's a ridiculous situation when you have a coach load of pensioners being driven over fields," added Mr McDonald.

Buglers, the coach firm involved, would not comment.

:-lmao :lmao

BBC News