The German regional television station Niederbayern TV HD will move to new broadcasting parameters. The station is being broadcast freely ( FTA ) throughout Europe via satellite ASTRA 1KR on position 19.2 ° E .
Niederbayern TV HD will be moved from 10.714 GHz to 11.553 GHz. An information screen about the new position of the station from June 14, 2021 has already appeared on the new transmission frequency, on which it will start transmitting in about 2.5 months.
TVA Ostbayern HD is also preparing to move, which will share its position with OTV HD. Again from 14.6.2021.
Regional stations bring up-to-date news and practical information from their region - Lower Bavaria and Eastern Bavaria, respectively. The broadcast is broadcast in full HD resolution 1920x1080 and is FTA.
current technical parameters - Niederbayern TV HD, TVA Ostbayern HD:
• Astra 1KR (19.2 ° E), freq. 10.714 GHz, pol. H, SR 22000, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, FTA
new technical parameters - Niederbayern TV HD, TVA Ostbayern HD (from 14.6.2021; now information screens):
• Astra 1L (19.2 ° E), frequency 11.553 GHz, position H, SR 22000, FEC 2/3, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, FTA