Dish 70 x 90 (nominal) Optex (looks like fibreglass)
LNB (now) MTI High line Quad
Humax Foxsat HDR, Topfield TF4000PVR
Longish (20 m -odd) cable run, one join (inside) where the external sections were replaced due to weathering.
Quillan (approx. 50 km south of Carcassonne)
Since the changeover, Channel 4 HD, 4/seven, 5 receivable at around 90% strength, 50-60% quality (occasional pixellation etc.) mornings only - quality starts to fade at around 12:00, "no or bad signal" by around 15:00.
Changed from a Smart Quad to the MTI High Line LNB this afternoon - no change to Astra 1F (rats! - waste of 50 EUR) despite already excellent signal on other Astra 2 channels improving from strength 90-95 to 97-100%, quality 100%.
"Nudging" the dish makes no difference - I'll have another go at improving the alignment tomorrow morning when there's some signal to play with.
Looks like the next step is a bigger/better(/newer) dish - the Optex is 12 years old or so and was pretty cheap to start with. Dishes certainly won't improve with age but is this likely to be a problem?
Worth trying e.g. a Gilbertini 85 cm - or is it better to go to up to at least 1 m? Comments / advice gratefully received.