OK, so here is what I recommend:
1. Disable the oscam stuff in the OpenVIX ( or OpenPLI / ATV ext) menu.
I stopped it from autostarting using these menus from the remote control:-
Menu -> Setup -> Softcam Manager -> Softcam manager -> press the blue button to toggle to Disable Startup.
This is because this reads the config from /etc/tuxbox/config instead of /etc/tuxbox/config/$OSCAM_VERSION
2. Install the latest oscam from the repos.
I doubt the version matters so long as it is recent.
The version as I write is 1.20+svn11726-r2
opkg install enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam-latest
Installing this package will create the directory /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest that we will use later.
3. Nuke the existing oscam.server, and add new config.
I nuked it bcause I was just using this for Fransat. The other settings just got in the way.
I have removed the aeskeys as per forum rules. Please replace
ADD_YOU_AES_KEYS_HERE with the keys, which you can probably find via Google on a forum.
>/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest/oscam.server && cat <<EOF > /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest/oscam.server
label = FRANSAT
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
autospeed = 0
caid = 0500
needsemmfirst = 1
detect = cd
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
mhz = 450
cardmhz = 450
group = 9
lb_weight = 560
4. Nuke the existing oscam.user, and add new config.
>/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest/oscam.user && cat <<EOF > /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest/oscam.user
user = dvbapiau
pwd = dvbapiau
keepalive = 1
monlevel = 4
au = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,64
5. OPTIONAL: If you want your Oscam to log to syslog, which means you can read the messages in /var/log/messages, and you have not configured this already, then add this:
sed -i '/\[global\]/a logfile = syslog' /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest/oscam.conf
You can check if this was already done with this:
grep logfile /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest/oscam.conf
If you get output similar to this, then it was already done.
logfile = syslog
6. Test your oscam config on the command line with:
/usr/softcams/oscam-latest --config-dir /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest --daemon -S -d4 -restart 2 --utf8 2
You can see what is happening if you tail the logfile with this command. You can exit the logging by pressing "Ctrl C"
tail -f /var/log/messages
And set your TV to FRANCE 2 on 5W, and see if it works.
Mine took a few seconds to start decrypting the TV channels.
Others mentioned ten mins, but I suspect the few seconds is more likely.
If you get nothing check that you card is inserted in the right way up. I leant the hard way. ;)
If it works then kill oscam with this. (You can run this a few times if you are unsure if the process is killed.)
7. Set this oscam to start at boot.
update-rc.d softcam.oscam-latest defaults 3
8. Test the start scripts work
Start oscam:
/etc/init.d/softcam.oscam-latest start
Change channel to a France channel and see if it works.
Stop oscam:
/etc/init.d/softcam.oscam-latest stop
The channel you were watching should freeze.
9. If Step 8 works, then reboot, and see if all comes up.
or use the remote control reboot :
Menu -> Standby & Restart -> Reboot
10. Good luck :-)