NORAD ID: | 54048 |
LOCAL TIME: | 12:14:15 |
UTC: | 10:14:15 |
LATITUDE: | 0.03 |
LONGITUDE: | 1.50 |
ALTITUDE [km]: | 35767.89 |
ALTITUDE [mi]: | 22225.14 |
SPEED [km/s]: | 3.08 |
SPEED [mi/s]: | 1.91 |
AZIMUTH: | 194.2 S |
ELEVATION: | +46.4 |
RIGHT ASCENSION: | 06h 49m 28s |
DECLINATION: | -06° 47' 28'' |
Local Sidereal Time: | 07h 33m 34s |
The satellite is in day light | |
Sure?HOTBIRD 13F now at 1.51°E
The satellite arrives to 13°E in approximativly 4-5 days
Its FAR more complicated than parking a car!! If you dont kill the momentum correctly when parking a car all you are going to do is bend the bumper a little, and you only have 2 dimentions to worry about (forward/back & sideways). Parking a satellite adds in the up/down direction & if you dont kill the momentum correctly its going to wander off station & you are going to waste thruster fuel bringing it back on station.Please try to reduce the countdown to the essential news, just when the 13F is already in place !! The only way to be sure (in real time) of its movement is monitoring its beacons with a motorized dish. According to confidential material the time space for 13F arrival and starting services is between last week and this one. It's not like parking a car.........
If you insist on giving us a countdown every time its moved a couple of tenths of a degree Im going to start deleting your location posts so please stop. Its cluttering up the thread for no good reason. Maybe one of our motorised equipped guys can give us an accurate location soon.HOTBIRD 13F
Why retrograded to 1.55 E ?I confirmed by the TLE datas not have updated in the websites satellite's tracking
According to his HOTBIRD 13F have been retrograded to 1.55°E after to arrival at 1.67°E
Because the previous info was wrong. We now have an accurate location for 13F from Marcus_21 - he will keep an eye on her for us & tell us when she ACTUALLY starts moving.Why retrograded to 1.55 E ?