Just Sharing This Glamour Aura FHD skin vB.5 for OpenATV images

With great pleasure, I finally present publicly my latest project, which is none other than my new skin called Glamour Aura FHD-ATV. It's a labor of more than a year in the making and testing!
Glamour Aura FHD-ATV (GAFHD-ATV) is a Full High Definition and High graphic resolution Premium skin for receivers running Enigma2 and the recent OpenATV images.

Due to it's high resolution graphical nature, GAFHD-ATV was designed and optimized to run on new generation receivers. The minimal requirement is an STB with a CPU of 1000 Mhz (3000 DMIPS).

GAFHD-ATV is also a skin you can contribute to. The ipk of the skin is distributed with closed converters/renderers, but all the python code along with the skin code is available on Github.
You can find the source code here: https://github.com/MCelliotG/GlamourAuraFHD-ATV-skin
You can pull your requests, make recipes for it and I will push contributions after testing.

GAFHD-ATV on par with its graphical user interface is fortified with an extended python system that runs along with OpenATV's enviroment, providing it with some exclusive new features.

SCREENSHOTS and extended features presentation
1. Main Infobar
The main infobar is divided into two sections. The top section contains all frequency and signal info. GAFHD is the first skin that fully supports real-time info for Multistream services, showing MIS info when such a service is tuned. Up to 12 tuners can also be displayed. The left top part is a weather panel which shows today's weather. Weather info requires the MSN weather plugin to be installed and configured (instructions will follow).

The top infobar will also display full stream URL and stream type when a service is stream.

The lower section is the main infobar which contains along with the program info, an extended service info icons panel, including icons for audio/video codecs, a full exact framerate display, and a short weather panel which shows the current weather condition. GAFHD can also display a live bitrate if the bitrate plugin is installed and configured (this will be explained below as well).

The lowest part of the main infobar is the extended encryption info. GAFHD uses a new detection feature which shows all available caids and encryption system names of a service.

NOTE: The skin works best with 400X240 picon size.

2. Second infobar
The second infobar brings an amplitude of extra information for both the service and the system layout. The weather panel shows additional info on tomorrows weather.

The left panel is the layout info showing real time CPU work, temperature, speed and load and internal HDD temperature. The upper layers show the pids of the service in decimal format and also real time info on connected storage devices, memory and swap.The middle part displays now and next program extended description.

3. Channel selection screen
Channel selection along with the service list on the right displays the extended program description on the left, the five following events and also a new transponder info panel which also shows the stream type and stream url on a stream service and transponder info for the rest.

4. EMC player infobar/EMC main screen
Media player will additionally show icons for resolution, audio/video codecs, subtitle availability and the exact framerate of a video or stream.

5. Info screen
Info screen along with the usual info also displays the HDD storage panel, which shows connected devices space both internal and network HDD and USB. The storage panel is also available on the HDD screens.

6. Language selection
GAFHD is a truly multilingual skin. It utilizes the new Aura new font I created based on Roboto and Noto fonts the skin is able to show Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew and Georgian among others. More alphabets can be added by request.

7. OpenATV screens (Blue panel, Network panels etc)
GlamourAuraFHD-ATV has been fully optimized for use in the OpenATV environment. All individual screens have been skinned for the maximum user experience!

1) Download the ipk of the file.
Send the file to /tmp your receiver using an FTP program. Then you can install it manually via telnet or via the software manager.
opkg install /tmp /enigma2-plugin-skins-glamouraurafhd-atv_B.5_all.ipk

The bitrate plugin is essential for bitrate to work. You can download it from the plugins menu.
For correct display in the skin it needs to be configured as follows:
mode: as infobar,

style skin: compact,

background window: transparent-black,

X screen position: 1645 , 

Y screen position: 0837 , 

Z screen position: 14.

The correct settings are also shown in the screencap below:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The skin works with the bitrate plugin, not with the BitrateViewer plugin.

The weather info requires the MSN weather plugin to be installed. I have included the ipk as well.
After installation you can configure your location via its settings menu.

Download MSN weather plugin from here (version 0.8-rc1):

As stated above, GAFHD-ATV is a premium high resolution skin and is designed to work well ONLY for receivers with a CPU higher than 1000Mhz. This is an obligatory limitation due to the high resolution graphical nature of the skin which also makes the package large in size.
For receivers with slower CPUs use at your own risk!
Also, GAFHD-ATV for the moment will not work on any other images than OpenATV. This skin version was designed ONLY for OpenATV images. It's not guaranteed to work on other OE-A images.

Skins are also always in beta mode, as the development of the images continues. As OpenATV is available to a vast number of receivers, some features may not work as intented.

This piece of work with all its graphics has been licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007.
The code is opensource and available on github. You are encouraged to contribute in the skin's development, as long as it comes through Github's terms of use. You are allowed to make recipes and forked repositories.
Any modifications in the code has to respect the given licenses. The code is free to be modified ONLY for PERSONAL use. Unauthorized releases of the skin that void the license are not the author's responsibility.
The graphics of the skin are NOT allowed to be modified by third parties in any case, except for the author's consent.
Please respect the work of the skinner, skins (especially when created from scratch) take a lot of effort and time.

VERSION B.5 (10/6/2018)

I want to personally thank my beta testers for their feedback. I encourage developers to contribute to the skin's further development in github.
I really hope you enjoy my work!
Thank you, can you please show me the second infobar, this is the main infobar, you can activate it on OSD settings in Usage and GUI on 2nd infobar option (either 2nd Infobar info or ECM infobar is the same). I need the CPU temp reading, to see if it works properly!
Second Infobar is shown with 2XOK. You can set it not to disappear automatically in the same settings page.
For weather info, once you setup your location press Save and then restart E2, sometimes it takes a while to update the location.
To get even better weather results you can also install weathermsn 0.8 (link is in the first post)
Thanks again in advance for all your help! SF8008 is very new, and hard to test if you don't own it!!

And I'm gonna need to you to help me with screenshots so that I can skin the blindscan plugin too, if that's OK!
No probs. The BS menu is quite small and the coloured button icons are missing from the menu after a scan but everything else appears fine. Will screenshot shortly.
Thank you, can you please show me the second infobar, this is the main infobar, you can activate it on OSD settings in Usage and GUI on 2nd infobar option (either 2nd Infobar info or ECM infobar is the same). I need the CPU temp reading, to see if it works properly!
Second Infobar is shown with 2XOK. You can set it not to disappear automatically in the same settings page.
For weather info, once you setup your location press Save and then restart E2, sometimes it takes a while to update the location.
To get even better weather results you can also install weathermsn 0.8 (link is in the first post)
Thanks again in advance for all your help! SF8008 is very new, and hard to test if you don't own it!!

And I'm gonna need to you to help me with screenshots so that I can skin the blindscan plugin too, if that's OK!
CPU screenshot. The weather code for me was a 4 digit one which I don't think is right and is showing Moscow! in the menu.CPU.jpg
Thank you so much! Temp is working fine, the CPU load is incorrect and CPU workload won't work, but I guess they are measured differently on HiSilicon, so they should be fixed once the way they are measured is found out!

To change weather in my skin, you do it from the MSN weather menu
Information - Weather MSN - Press Menu -
Show weather in menu information - yes
Location: you input it manually
Scale or wind and temperature as you wish

Press Save and restart E2, it should work!

BTW, why is Newsnet reported inside the Ku Band? Did you fix it to show like that?
For helping me with the Blindscan plugin, please FTP to your SF4008 and get this folder
and also send me the bin file located in usr/bin (anything named blindscan).
Please make them into a zip and send them to me via PM, so I can read the code and provide a skin fix.
Some Blin Scan shots, hope they helpBS1.jpgBS2.jpgBS3.jpg
Thank you so much! Temp is working fine, the CPU load is incorrect and CPU workload won't work, but I guess they are measured differently on HiSilicon, so they should be fixed once the way they are measured is found out!

To change weather in my skin, you do it from the MSN weather menu
Information - Weather MSN - Press Menu -
Show weather in menu information - yes
Location: you input it manually
Scale or wind and temperature as you wish

Press Save and restart E2, it should work!

BTW, why is Newsnet reported inside the Ku Band? Did you fix it to show like that?
Re Newsnet....I have a Ka LNB and you can set it for that in the menu, but unfortunately it will not blind scan, so have to set it for Ku, then it works!
Will look for that plugin info later.
Thank you, this was quite expected.
Please when you find time, PM me the files I ask and I will provide a fix.
For Ka band blindscan perhaps our expert friend El Bandido could help....
I am no expert on python coding and know very little about it. Anyway here is the plugin for the SF8008 and uClan in the .py format. Insert this file in the blindscan folder of any OE Alliance image, reboot, and it should work, providing the receiver supports blindscan in enigma2.

The problem is not in the Glamour skin coding. The problem is in line #68 of the attached plugin. I guess if the Glamour skin was adjusted for this plugin, then the other blindscan plugin would not display correctly. Adjustments to line #68 should make it display better.


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I am no expert on python coding and know very little about it. Anyway here is the plugin for the SF8008 and uClan in the .py format. Insert this file in the blindscan folder of any OE Alliance image, reboot, and it should work, providing the receiver supports blindscan in enigma2.
hello maybe I have misunderstood:
you mean add this file in the correct folder of an OE alliance image and blindscan will work on octagon 4008 too?

thank you in advance
best regards
Let me clarify something as I received a few messages from people that misinterpreted what I wrote above.

When I said I'll provide a fix, I meant a SKIN fix, not a blindscan fix. I asked for the plugin files to read the code and find the skin lines to adapt for my Glamour skin. The reason I also asked for the bin file is to make a test on my HD51 in case this allowed me to access these menus so I could see myself how they are skinned. Unfortunately we couldn't locate the bin file, I don't even know if there is one after all on SF8008.
So don't get your hopes up for nothing.
hello maybe I have misunderstood:
you mean add this file in the correct folder of an OE alliance image and blindscan will work on octagon 4008 too?

thank you in advance
best regards
No blindscan for the SF4008. Adding a blindscan interface does change this.
GLAMOUR AURA FHD version B.28 for OpenATV based images (update 27/11/2018)

- Rearranged Channel Selection Radio screen and workaround to possible crashes after switching back to TV.

- Added support for TMDB plugin.

- Various skin and python cosmetic fixes and optimizations

Download here (v.B.28) for OpenATV based images

or via online update from the OpenATV feeds
GLAMOUR AURA FHD skin v.F.04 (Finalized branch) for OpenATV images update 22/12/2018

Glamour Aura FHD skin has entered its finalized stage, the new release is completely revamped with a multitude of changes.

- Reworked NextEvents, now only title will scroll when does not fit
- Added PrimeTime indication

- Added support for T2MI, PLP ID display
- Reworked on infobar icons and rearrangements

- Added support for Color Curve (HDR, SDR etc) with icons on the infobar and on the mediaplayer
IMPORTANT NOTE: The icons will appear ONLY on receivers and images that support this feature

- Added more CPUs display on Second Infobar (they will appear if available)
- Added RusCrypt icon and more CA systems detection
- Added AudioSync screen
And countless small fixes and code optimizations

Download IPK here version F.04 update 22/12/2018:
or via the OpenATV feeds


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Hello MCelliotG,

I see an update today.

Updated to version F.14

Major recoding, new graphic compression, removal of redudant graphics, various fixes,
Fixed Cyrillic characters on Aura Bold SmallCaps font.

And you will see the official announcement later today along with the standalone ipks. I always upload to github two days earlier to have the skin autoupdated if it was downloaded through the OpenATV feeds.
This is a major recoding of my skin overall, including the graphics compression, and took a lot of time to complete, but I hope the result will satisfy everybody!
Glamour Aura FHD skin for OpenATV based images version F.14 (update 21/2/2019)
- Major recode for better stability and speed
- New graphics lossless compression (smaller skin size)
- Improved several icons visibility
- Fixed several screens, including Blindscan
- Fixed startwizards
- Added more caids detection (i.e. 4B64-Samsung/TV Key)
- Added support for more plugins (like Dreamexplorer etc).

- Workaround for T2MI PLP ID detection for OpenATV images (they always return 0 for all DVB-S2 services, waiting for fix)
- Began support for more OE-A images (starting with OpenDroid, more to follow)
- New aura spinner

REMINDER: MSN weather plugin and bitrate plugin should be installed for weather info and bitrate

Install IPK from here (OpenATV version F.14):

or via the OpenATV feeds if the skin is installed from there, just run an image update.
Hello MCelliotG,

How do you change the color of the skin?
Is it an option or not?




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Don't worry, new color skins are coming this December, this screenshot is from a test I made. Changing colors in my skin is not easy, as it's purely graphics and not labels, so it takes me time to change these. Be patient and you'll receive!

Also the color skins will be uploaded for betatesters before release, so I'll let you know beforehand!
Which plugins would you recommend to download to get the very best now from Glamour Aura FHD please?
Thank you.