

Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
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My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
What is the preferred platform for install? I read through the install guides, but I imagine there is one platform that is least likely to need severe under-the-hood surgery to facilitate an install.
cmake is a program (development tool). It works on many platforms.
"severe under-the-hood surgery" is never needed.

The only requirement for ubuntu-related operating systems is to use the latest version, as
ubuntu provides heavily outdated libraries. That is all explained in the installation instructions.

If you don't care about a specific distribution then use fedora. That will provide the least
problems. However, the other distributions work as well, but you should figure out which
packages to install and then report that, so that I can add the information for future users
(assuming they actually read the installation instructions);


New Member
Dec 20, 2023
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My Satellite Setup
AVL 1.2m KU horizon to horizon, 7.6m KU 139w-100w, 6.7m KU steerable 99w-44w
My Location
Utah, USA
cmake is a program (development tool). It works on many platforms.
"severe under-the-hood surgery" is never needed.

The only requirement for ubuntu-related operating systems is to use the latest version, as
ubuntu provides heavily outdated libraries. That is all explained in the installation instructions.

If you don't care about a specific distribution then use fedora. That will provide the least
problems. However, the other distributions work as well, but you should figure out which
packages to install and then report that, so that I can add the information for future users
(assuming they actually read the installation instructions);
It also seems too like Fedora 38 has more packages available for it, since 39 is so new? Or is it worth just starting at 39 instead. I saw there was only one specific requirement if you were going to 39.


Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
It also seems too like Fedora 38 has more packages available for it, since 39 is so new? Or is it worth just starting at 39 instead. I saw there was only one specific requirement if you were going to 39.
Fedora 39 works fine.


New Member
Dec 20, 2023
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My Satellite Setup
AVL 1.2m KU horizon to horizon, 7.6m KU 139w-100w, 6.7m KU steerable 99w-44w
My Location
Utah, USA
Fedora 39 works fine.
For the Ubuntu installations, I tried those once but I was getting mostly missing packages when installing, is there a specific repo you expect to be used when someone installed on 23.10?

sudo apt install -y clang clang-tools libtool libboost-program-options libboost libboost-regex libboost-context curl libcurl4 libcurl4-opensst-dev liblog4cxx-dev liblog4cxx libconfig-libconfig-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3 libgtk-dev freeglut3 freeglut3-dev librsvg2-dev libexif-dev libegobject-introspection libexpat1-dev python3-wxgtk2.4 python3-configobj  python3-sip-dev python3--matplot-lib python3-jinja2 python3-regex python3-scipy wxbase3-dev-wxbase3 wxgtk3 libmp3-dev ffmpeg libx11-dev libglvnd-dev libdvbcsa-dev espeak cmake python3-cachetools fmt fmt-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libboost-program-options
E: Unable to locate package libboost
E: Unable to locate package libboost-regex
E: Unable to locate package libboost-context
E: Unable to locate package libcurl4-opensst-dev
E: Unable to locate package liblog4cxx
E: Unable to locate package libconfig-libconfig-dev
E: Unable to locate package libwxgtk3.0-gtk3
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libwxgtk3.0-gtk3'
E: Unable to locate package libgtk-dev
E: Unable to locate package freeglut3
E: Unable to locate package libegobject-introspection
E: Unable to locate package python3-wxgtk2.4
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'python3-wxgtk2.4'
E: Unable to locate package python3--matplot-lib
E: Unable to locate package wxbase3-dev-wxbase3
E: Unable to locate package wxgtk3
E: Unable to locate package libmp3-dev
E: Unable to locate package fmt
E: Unable to locate package fmt-dev

At this point it may be easier to just go with fedora instead of a fresh Ubuntu.


Specialist Contributor
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
seven antennas,one toroidal with 16 lnbs,
6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,9 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6504,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6902se,skystar hd2),2 tuners usb-tbs5927 & tbs5925,Skystar HD.
Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W
My Location
For the Ubuntu installations, I tried those once but I was getting mostly missing packages when installing, is there a specific repo you expect to be used when someone installed on 23.10?


At this point it may be easier to just go with fedora instead of a fresh Ubuntu.
Two observations from my experience with installing Deeptho's application on Ubuntu 23.10, which, of course, cannot be valid if the instructions imposed by our colleague are not followed:
1. I installed the drivers and neumoDVB on a fresh Ubuntu 23.10 to ensure I don't "inherit" old files incompatible with the new version.
2. Because I came from a Windows background, when I first started to install neumoDVB, I was like a child who had to learn to walk again every time I stumbled. That's why I understood that I have to consider some rules and procedures in Linux that are very different from those in Windows.
Among other things, I have to pay attention to the sources and every file I install. That's why I considered the directions and references that Deeptho makes on his repository at Github.
To make sure I didn't make a mistake, I installed each file separately from the library he uses, and if I couldn't find a compatible one, I consulted Synaptic, where I got and installed the missing files. And if I couldn't find the correct file, I would Google it.
The whole neumoDVB installation operation would be easier and faster for a Linux-iter. Still, it could be a frustrating experience for a first-time installer, especially if unfamiliar with Linux. But it could be the same for him as well when errors occur. Perhaps this may discourage those who tried to install neumoDVB and gave up (I hope not).
When I first tried to install the application on Ubuntu and had quite a big problem (with the changed resolution), I tried it on Fedora, but I gave up because I had never worked with this distro. I came back to Ubuntu because I was helped by Deeptho's patience (not to mention knowledge) to get it working on this one, especially with driver installation.
I'm not sure if his application installs more efficiently on other distros, but I'm sure on Fedora and Ubuntu 23.10, there would be no installation problems.
I'm sure you don't need encouragement, but I thought I'd illustrate what I got after installing neumoDVB on Ubuntu 23.10, MIS_PLS streams at 5.0W. It's like a reward I give myself. :)
For 6903x/6909x cards, neumoDVB is an application like no other. It is a Must!
Happy Holidays!


  • Ubuntu Mantic 23.20_2023-12-19_18-07.png
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Specialist Contributor
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
seven antennas,one toroidal with 16 lnbs,
6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,9 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6504,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6902se,skystar hd2),2 tuners usb-tbs5927 & tbs5925,Skystar HD.
Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W
My Location
I tried at 9.0E to edit pid T2-MIS on mux 12226 V,30000,5/6,8PSK, with streams 10 and 20(Ukrainian), but I failed to add an entry for 4096.
The t2-mis pid is not editable, or I'm missing something and don't know what.
I can enter pid 4096 with the filter, but nothing happens, and the muxes list disappears.
I added that I installed TSDuck.


  • Mux T2MI_2023-12-24_22-22.png
    Mux T2MI_2023-12-24_22-22.png
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  • 12226 & 12303 V_2023-12-24_23-26.png
    12226 & 12303 V_2023-12-24_23-26.png
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  • 12226 V_MIS 10&20_2023-12-24_23-08.png
    12226 V_MIS 10&20_2023-12-24_23-08.png
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Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
For the Ubuntu installations, I tried those once but I was getting mostly missing packages when installing, is there a specific repo you expect to be used when someone installed on 23.10?

sudo apt install -y clang clang-tools libtool libboost-program-options libboost libboost-regex libboost-context curl libcurl4 libcurl4-opensst-dev liblog4cxx-dev liblog4cxx libconfig-libconfig-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3 libgtk-dev freeglut3 freeglut3-dev librsvg2-dev libexif-dev libegobject-introspection libexpat1-dev python3-wxgtk2.4 python3-configobj  python3-sip-dev python3--matplot-lib python3-jinja2 python3-regex python3-scipy wxbase3-dev-wxbase3 wxgtk3 libmp3-dev ffmpeg libx11-dev libglvnd-dev libdvbcsa-dev espeak cmake python3-cachetools fmt fmt-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libboost-program-options
E: Unable to locate package libboost
E: Unable to locate package libboost-regex
E: Unable to locate package libboost-context
E: Unable to locate package libcurl4-opensst-dev
E: Unable to locate package liblog4cxx
E: Unable to locate package libconfig-libconfig-dev
E: Unable to locate package libwxgtk3.0-gtk3
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libwxgtk3.0-gtk3'
E: Unable to locate package libgtk-dev
E: Unable to locate package freeglut3
E: Unable to locate package libegobject-introspection
E: Unable to locate package python3-wxgtk2.4
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'python3-wxgtk2.4'
E: Unable to locate package python3--matplot-lib
E: Unable to locate package wxbase3-dev-wxbase3
E: Unable to locate package wxgtk3
E: Unable to locate package libmp3-dev
E: Unable to locate package fmt
E: Unable to locate package fmt-dev

At this point it may be easier to just go with fedora instead of a fresh Ubuntu.
Or you could read the installation instructions and try to follow them. There is a section for ubuntu.
It is perhaps incomplete for ubuntu23.10, but obviously following the instructions for ubuntu will have
more chance of success then using those for debian (which I suspect you did).

An no, nothing else is required.

Merry Christmas everybody.


New Member
Dec 20, 2023
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My Satellite Setup
AVL 1.2m KU horizon to horizon, 7.6m KU 139w-100w, 6.7m KU steerable 99w-44w
My Location
Utah, USA
Or you could read the installation instructions and try to follow them. There is a section for ubuntu.
It is perhaps incomplete for ubuntu23.10, but obviously following the instructions for ubuntu will have
more chance of success then using those for debian (which I suspect you did).

An no, nothing else is required.

Merry Christmas everybody

I have, in fact, read the instructions, but I feel like I'm still missing somewhere between the lines, like a missing repository or some other thing i'm overlooking, so I figured I'd ask.

The Ubuntu section is also the Debian section? The description says `To install neumodvb in a Debian distro (Ubuntu, Linux Mint), first ensure that you are running a recent version:` and then the step after lists a block of packages to install via apt, are the block of packages for generic debian distributions, or is that still referencing Ubuntu? Do you skip the clang compiler installation since clang-16 is referenced in the 23.10 installation block?

Just trying to understand the correct process, I'm missing something (even when reading the instructions entirely) but not sure what.


Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
I have, in fact, read the instructions, but I feel like I'm still missing somewhere between the lines, like a missing repository or some other thing i'm overlooking, so I figured I'd ask.

The Ubuntu section is also the Debian section? The description says `To install neumodvb in a Debian distro (Ubuntu, Linux Mint), first ensure

The ubuntu section is the one starting with "

Ubuntu 23.10​

This seems to work after upgrading a working version from Ubuntu 23.04. Therefore the packages listed for older Ubuntu versions may be ok.

Found by trial and error: Also install

In other words: I managed to upgrade an older ubuntu installation, but the pacakage list for a new one may be incomplete.

The Debian section is probably outdated. It was contributed by someone eles a long time ago so you probably tried
to installed all kinds of old packages, which have been superseeded by newer ones.

I will remove it.

Start by installing the pacakages listed for ubuntu23.10. Then some things will still be missing and the packages
for 23.04 might be a good place to start.

that you are running a recent version:` and then the step after lists a block of packages to install via apt, are the block of packages for generic debian distributions, or is that still referencing Ubuntu? Do you skip the clang compiler installation since clang-16 is referenced in the 23.10 installation block?

Just trying to understand the correct process, I'm missing something (even when reading the instructions entirely) but not sure what.


cerca trova...
Staff member
Jan 1, 2000
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My Satellite Setup
Triple Dragon, Dreambox 8000, Echostar AD3000ip, TBS6522,6925,6983 PCie cards.
Gibertini 1.25m motorised dish driven by the AD3000, with either Inverto BU Quad or Norsat / XMW Ka LNBs . SMW 1.05m + 3 other dishes. Speccy: Promax HD Ranger+
My Location
The Flatlands of East Anglia
neumodvb working well enough now on my Raspberry Pi with the TBS5927 USB tuner since updating to version 1.41. Before 1.4, I was unable to have channels show any video on the RPi. Ubuntu now 23.1 new install.

A problem I am encountering is with MIS muxes on 5W. Blindcanning the satellite will show the non-MIS channels locked, but the MIS muxes need to be individually selected to lock. This may be a TBS5927 issue, as using a TBS 6903X on my PC has no problem with locking them.

The muxes that do lock after selection appear in the mux list, but only as one mux, i.e. not as individual streams. Occasionally they show as locked OK, but more often than not as Partial or Pending.I've no idea which streams were found, as the stream info column stays at -1.

Going to the Channel list, those MIS channels that did lock appear in the list, but are unavailable to view presumably because they revert to Pending in the mux list, confused no doubt as to which stream they are supposed to be showing.

If I add a mux in the mux list instead of spectrum scanning, I can add all parameters (sat, freq, etc. and pls mode, but I find it impossible to add anything in the ISl (stream) column (read only?), so scanning that mux just shows up as one mux found.

Channels showing video in the screengrab are the FTA ones. An attempt at showing the RAI VGR MIS channel yielded no video.

deeptho, perhaps there are clues in the log for anything that prevents the stream channels showing up?


  • 5W  11179V FTA channels.png
    5W 11179V FTA channels.png
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  • 11179V locked in spectrum.png
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Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
neumodvb working well enough now on my Raspberry Pi with the TBS5927 USB tuner since updating to version 1.41. Before 1.4, I was unable to have channels show any video on the RPi. Ubuntu now 23.1 new install.

A problem I am encountering is with MIS muxes on 5W. Blindcanning the satellite will show the non-MIS channels locked, but the MIS muxes need to be individually selected to lock. This may be a TBS5927 issue, as using a TBS 6903X on my PC has no problem with locking them.

The muxes that do lock after selection appear in the mux list, but only as one mux, i.e. not as individual streams. Occasionally they show as locked OK, but more often than not as Partial or Pending.I've no idea which streams were found, as the stream info column stays at -1.

Going to the Channel list, those MIS channels that did lock appear in the list, but are unavailable to view presumably because they revert to Pending in the mux list, confused no doubt as to which stream they are supposed to be showing.

If I add a mux in the mux list instead of spectrum scanning, I can add all parameters (sat, freq, etc. and pls mode, but I find it impossible to add anything in the ISl (stream) column (read only?), so scanning that mux just shows up as one mux found.

Channels showing video in the screengrab are the FTA ones. An attempt at showing the RAI VGR MIS channel yielded no video.

deeptho, perhaps there are clues in the log for anything that prevents the stream channels showing up?
I do not think 5927 supports multistreams.


Specialist Contributor
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
seven antennas,one toroidal with 16 lnbs,
6 satellite receivers,2 Meters,9 PC cards(tbs6983,6903,6590,6504,6522,6209,2603,6909X,6903X,6902se,skystar hd2),2 tuners usb-tbs5927 & tbs5925,Skystar HD.
Satellite reception between 100.5E-50.0W
My Location
For those interested in the USB 5927, it is good to know that this tuner is supported for MIS-PLS muxes under Windows.
Tests on Italian MIS at 5.0W.

And under Linux/Ubuntu, with the 5927 tuner, you can only manually scan and lock the signal on the MIS-PLS muxes.
I checked MIS-PLS at 5.0W with neumoDVB.

The only problem is that neumoDVB crashes when you choose the program to watch.
To find out the error, I provide neumo.log.

@Llew, leave the scan longer until the SID turns blue, although it finds the services. Only the NIT cannot be found.


  • 10950-11700 V_MIS_2024-01-08_19-36-55.png
    10950-11700 V_MIS_2024-01-08_19-36-55.png
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    5.0W_Muxes MIS_2023-12-17_17-59.png
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    tbs5927_11012 V_no video_2024-01-08_20-41.png
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  • tbs5927_Service errors.rar
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Last edited:


cerca trova...
Staff member
Jan 1, 2000
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Triple Dragon, Dreambox 8000, Echostar AD3000ip, TBS6522,6925,6983 PCie cards.
Gibertini 1.25m motorised dish driven by the AD3000, with either Inverto BU Quad or Norsat / XMW Ka LNBs . SMW 1.05m + 3 other dishes. Speccy: Promax HD Ranger+
My Location
The Flatlands of East Anglia
@Llew, leave the scan longer until the SID turns blue, although it finds the services. Only the NIT cannot be found.
I should have waited longer, thanks. I'll have another try on a mux.
The only problem is that neumoDVB crashes when you choose the program to watch.
I found that too when I did lock a channel.


Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
I should have waited longer, thanks. I'll have another try on a mux.

I found that too when I did lock a channel.
It seems I was wrong and multistream is supported on this card.
And the channels do play for me...


Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
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My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
Here you can seen it decoding 2 channels at once.

Automatic discovery of streams




Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
There was one bug with stv091x (as reported by Llew and Satesco): isi-scan was not working (but it works after manual entry).
This has been fixed in the latest drivers, uploaded today (release1.1.2)


cerca trova...
Staff member
Jan 1, 2000
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Triple Dragon, Dreambox 8000, Echostar AD3000ip, TBS6522,6925,6983 PCie cards.
Gibertini 1.25m motorised dish driven by the AD3000, with either Inverto BU Quad or Norsat / XMW Ka LNBs . SMW 1.05m + 3 other dishes. Speccy: Promax HD Ranger+
My Location
The Flatlands of East Anglia
OK now with MIS isi scan on the RPi. Need some patience to wait for a lock on a stream (showed as off lock as I was downloading the grab).
Thanks for the update deeptho.

5W 11013V MIS captures.png

11013V mux on stream 1 OK.png


Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location
A new version of neumoDVB is on its way. Here is a preliminary list of changes.

Changes in version neumodvb-1.5 - part 1​


  • DiSeqC12 has been thoroughly tested and is now working
  • When the dish is moving a progress dialog now pops up, and is removed automatically when the required motion time has passed. In the mean time, tuning is suspended. This is mostly important for spectrum acquisition, as starting the spectrum acquisition before the dish has stopped moving will lead to an incorrect spectrum. For tuning, neumoDVB already detected incorrect dish positions;
  • Dish motion now always happens at maximum voltage.
  • Bug: setting DiSeqC12 position in positioner_dialog does not work;
  • Bug: DiSeqC12 is not correctly sent to positioner
  • Bug: Prevent saving `usals_pos’ in lnb record in database before tuning, to avoid saving bad information when tuning fails;
  • Properly estimate positioner speed internally. However, this update is not used for anything, except in debug messages;
  • Bug: assertion when closing main window when positioner_dialog still has subscription;
  • Bug: sending positioner command fails because subscriber is erroneously unsubscribed after changing network;
  • Bug: positioner_command not sent if there is no network for the currently requested `usals_pos’;
  • Bug: OnGotoUsals calls self.UpdateUsalsPosition twice;
  • Bug: DiSeqC debug message does not show command bytes;
  • Give positioner some time to power up before sending it commands. On at least one rotor, the initial command was ignored because the rotor was still initializing;
  • Dishes are now listed on a new dish list. This allows setting the `powerup time’ needed by the rotor for that dish, i.e., the time that neumoDVB needs to wait for it to initialize. The dish list also allows entering the rotor speed in degree per second. neumoDVB uses this information to compute how long to wait before the rotor has reached the desired satellite;
  • Bug: spectrum acquisition did not wait for rotor to stop moving. This can lead to a distorted spectrum when the dish needs to move;
  • Bug: in positioner dialog, typing a value next to one of the spin controls did not erase selected text as is common on other text entry fields;
  • Improved detection of cases where the currently known `usals_pos’ may be incorrect due to executing or aborting positioner commands.
  • Renamed the `Save’ button in positioner dialog to ‘Save network’, which more accurately reflects its function;
  • Bug: Displayed `usals_pos’ not updated after executing command;
  • Bug: cannot send positioner commands with positioner behind DiSeqC switch, while no mux is tuned;
  • Increased font size in service list to accommodate changes in recent fedora and ubuntu versions. As a result the font may now be too big on older versions;
  • Bug: updates defined by user (e.g., `usals_pos’) are not yet used by frontend code after positioner moves.


  • New feature: create scan commands. A scan command defines a scan job that can be run periodically later. It is defined in terms of a number of satellite bands or muxes to scan or spectra to acquire, along with a list of available resources (dishes, cards) allowed during the scan and some tuning parameters. The command is saved for later use and then runs automatically in the background, e.g., every day or every few hours. For this to work, neumoDVB needs to be running;
  • Add the scan command list. This list allows to view all currently defined command and to edit them, e.g., by adding or removing satellite bands or muxes to the scan or changing tuning parameters.



Specialist Contributor
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
Wavefrontier T90, Laminas 120cm, 2 other dishes; tbs 5927, tbs6904, tbs6909x, tbs6903x, tbs5990, tbs6981,tbs5927
My Location

Changes in version neumodvb-1.5 - part 2​

Scanning, spectrum acquisition and tuning​

  • Show mux scan statistics during spectrum scan;
  • Bug: scanning DVB-C and DVB-T muxes fails;
  • Bug: `dvbs_muxlist’ improperly shows both C and Ku muxes when filtered by a sat;
  • Bug: Tuning to service on same mux does not unsubscribe previous service, leading to assertion failure;
  • Notification of GUI when scanning muxes has finished has been made more reliable;
  • When scanning muxes is not possible (e.g., no cards available) report this immediately instead of silently failing;
  • Improved selection of multiple multiple sats/muxes, e.g., for scanning. It is now possible to add multiple non-contiguous ranges using `control-click’;
  • Add 49.0E Ku band to default list of satellites;
  • Bug: after aborting a band_scan, the next spectrum acquisition fails because of some left over subscriptions;
  • Hide scan status for bands which were never scanned in sat list;
  • Reset mux scan status and band_scan scan_status in satellite scan after aborting scan;
  • Bug: lnb network_list picks incorrect sat_band;
  • Bug: incorrect multi-switch committed DiSeqC command was sent during spectrum acquisition; spectrum acquisition thus only worked when dish was already pointed at satellite;
  • Bug: Incorrect active_adapter released during scan;
  • Bug: subscription_id not correctly passed on during re-tune;
  • Bug: usals position not always properly updated when it changes due to a user selection;
  • Bug: correct scan_status' overwritten by outdated one afterstream_id’ changes in the stream;
  • Incorrect debug error message about incorrect `tune_src’ value;
  • Do not report failed mux reservation in debug messages when called from scanner, as this floods logs;
  • Remove tune_mode as field in tune_options'. It is still used as a state variable indvb_frontend_t’;
  • Bug: Incorrect detection of exclusive use of lnb preventing parallel mux scan;
  • Bug: Frequency readout sometimes overlaps with legend button in spectrum scan dialog;
  • Improved selection of monitored_subscription_id during spectrum scan. The goal is to more cleverly switch between the various frontends, giving preference to frontends with discovered services, and prioritizing locked frontends over non-locked ones.

Installation and compilation​

  • Remove Debian section from installation instructions;
  • Add `’ to avoid conflicts with installed python packages;
  • Suppress data structure packing warning;
  • Updated required packages for Ubuntu 23.10.

GUI related​

  • Add a new top level menu, the “DX” menu. Some commands have been moved to that menu;
  • Bug: SNR not properly displayed on live screen;
  • When satellite does not exist, ask user to create it when starting positioner_dialog;
  • Disable some commands that only make sense during live viewing, except on live screen;
  • Improved menu system: disable items that cannot be used;
  • In scan parameter dialog, correctly hide panels instead of only the check boxes on them;
  • In bouquet edit mode, automatically switch service list after the mode has been activated, and automatically re-display service list when user finished bouquet editing. This way of working also applies to adding/editing muxes and satellite bands to scan commands;
  • In popup lists displaying satellite positions, avoid duplicates caused by having multiple bands (C, Ku…);
  • Bug: Fake row was displayed when undoing edits on a record, because number of rows was computed incorrectly;
  • Bug: incorrect Undo when no row was being edited;
  • Allow editing existing autorecs;
  • Improved display of subscriptions in frontend list;

Recording and playback​

  • Show error message in GUI when file playback fails to start;
  • Reset `subscription_id’ and owner when recording finishes;
  • Bug: assertion in subtitle GUI code.


  • Add sat_band to string representation of sat;
  • Replace encode_ascending by non-template in most cases;
  • Improved data_type template; still hackish for `ss::string_’ detection;
  • Allow vectors as sub-types in variants;
  • Implement std::-ohmyptional in database;
  • Move re-tune_mode and tune_options definitions into database, Rename tune_options_t to subscription_options_t and derive it from devdb::tune_option_t;
  • Allow setting `ss::vector’ from list. Use band_scan_options in scan_bands_on_sats code instead of python lists;
  • Export `fe_polarisation_vector_t’;
  • Refactor get_default_subscription_options;
  • All subscriptions now use a shared pointer to subscriber_t as an input. This allows a subscription_id to be stored in the subscriber_t immediately after registering the subscription in the database and before tuning. Thus eliminates a race conditions that cause the HUI to loose notifications, e.g., about positioner motion;
  • Bug: self.grids not properly populated;
  • Bug: incorrect decision in `lnb_can_scan_sat_band’;
  • Replace sat_pos' by sat inspectrum_scan_t’ and `spectrum_scan_options_t’;
  • Separate tune and re-tune in tuner_thread_t' and inactive_adapter_t’;
  • Update libfmt;
  • Avoid exception when pushing a task while thread has already finished executed and then waiting on the return value. In that case no valid future was returned. Instead, now it returns a future to an already finished task;
  • Update minspincontrol code;
  • Improve the way that various fields in `positioner_dialog_update_lnb’;
  • Replace code for re-reading LNB by code only reading lnb LOF-offsets, to make its purpose clearer;
  • Introduced fem_state_t;
  • Separated tune and retune code in;
  • Implemented one_shot timer to implement request_wakeup. This is used to temporarily suspend tuning code, and continue tuning after positioner has reached its destination;
  • Tuning and spectrum acquisition tasks are now run in fiber, which is suspended when there is a need to wait for the positioner to stop moving;
  • Do not make all columns with key ending in ’_time’ read-only by default;
  • Move ownership of dvb_frontend_t from fe_monitor_t to dvb_frontend_t;
  • Replace enum_to_str' withto_str’; the latter is all inline code; also this removes a lot of code duplication;
  • Move `scan_stats_t’ into devdb;
  • Remove playback_map' andmpv_map’; store active_playback and mpv references in subscriber instead;


Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
My Satellite Setup
My Location
I try to install neumodvb on Fedora_39
but I can't do that because I have errors.
When I have installed on Fedora_39 linux media drivers, I have skept 4 packages.
I coudn't ffind wxGTK3 , wxBase3 , wxGTK3-devel and wxBase3-devel.
Display adapter is GeForce® GTX 1050 Ti KalmX and dvb adapter TBS6903X.

root@fedora:~/neumodvb/build# cmake ..
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 17.0.6
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 17.0.6
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/clang - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/lib64/ccache/clang++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:33 (string):
string sub-command STRIP requires two arguments.

-- xxx=//
-- Modern OS detected - using clang 20
CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):
Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR regex context
program_options) (Required is at least version "1.69")
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:600 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
/usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindBoost.cmake:2392 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
CMakeLists.txt:55 (find_package)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

What would be the problems?