Firmware (Software) Update V10548 18-04-2021
SX889 WL
1. Sat-Finder eingebaut. 2xInfo Taste - Option Taste.
2. Stalker Multi MAC Nutzung eingebaut. (Stalker - Option - System)
3. Stalker Radio Hintergrund Bild eingebaut.
4. MAC Änderung über WEBIF eingebaut.
1. Sat-Finder added. 2xInfo Button , Option Button.
2. Multi MAC ID Support added. (Stalker - Option - System)
3. Stalker Radio Background picture added.
4. MAC ID Edit (change) over WEBIF added.
E2TV Nutzung auf OCTAGON SX Modellen:
a.) Installieren Sie die aktuelle Firmware v10548.
b.) Starten Sie das Plugin E2TV.
c.) IP Adresse Ihres Enigma2 Receivers eingeben und speichern (verbinden).
E2TV use on OCTAGON SX models:
a.) Install the latest firmware v10548.
b.) Start the E2TV plugin.
c.) Enter the IP address of your Enigma2 receiver and save (connect).
OCTAGON SX modellerinde E2TV kullanımı:
a.) En son yazılımı v10548'i yükleyin.
b.) E2TV eklentisini başlatın.
c.) Enigma2 alıcınızın IP adresini girin ve kaydedin (bağlayın).
SX89 & SX89 WL:
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
SX889 & SX889 WL:
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
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