Sudden improvement in the weather, so here's an up to date piccy of the Tivù Dish Farm.
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The 28E MiniDish at the top has a Quad Output LNB.
The other MiniDish near the corner formed by the Boiler House and the Wall is for 5W.
The ancient "Analogue" Dish towards the right has a Monoblock for 13E/19E.
A DiSEqC switch and an A/B switch allow the Wife to view any of the aforementioned Satellites in her "den" without a Motor and with severely cut down Channel Listings (To keep it simple for the user ............ ^-F )
The T&K mounted Motorised Dish is an Orbital 80cm with Twin Output Smart Titanium LNB and is my main Dish for actual viewing.
The Patio mounted Triax TD110 also has a DiSEqC Motor and is used for fa**ying about and for Feeds. The arc is restricted in the range 45W to 19.2E, sadly.
There are other A/B and DisEqC switches scattered around to maximise functionality in whichever room I/we happen to be occupying.
When the farmhouse next door sells, I might try to get them to let me site the Triax in their field just behind my small back garden. At that point, the Motor will probably be replaced by a 36V positioner/actuator.