Nice find! It's a copy of 23.5°E 12645 V 2200 (19.2°E 11604 V 2200), with the two WDR DAB multiplexes -
tune-s2 11604 V 2200 -system DVB-S -lnb UNIVERSAL -adapter 1
status Locked | signal -31.8 dBm | snr 15.0 dB | ber 0 | FE_HAS_LOCK
Closing frontend ...
dvbstream -c 1 -o 3000 | fedi2eti 3000 10010 | ni2out --list
using pid 3000 ip port 10010
dvbstream v0.7.01 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from
dvbstream will stop after -1 seconds (71582788 minutes)
Output to stdout
Streaming 2 streams
[04/21/24 07:16:53] Initialise next pseq to 35191
[04/21/24 07:16:53] EDI-AF: Packet sequence error
Radio fuer NRW (0x10ec)
0 : WDR 2 OWL (0xd592) Pri subch=18 start=594 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
1 : WDR 2 RHEIN-RUHR (0xd792) Pri subch=16 start=486 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
2 : WDR 2 RUHRGEBIET (0xd692) Pri subch=17 start=540 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
3 : WDR Maus (0xdf95) Pri subch= 2 start= 54 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
4 : WDRcosmo (0xd496) Pri subch= 5 start=204 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
5 : 1LIVE diGGi (0xdf91) Pri subch= 3 start=102 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
6 : WDR 4 (0xd394) Pri subch=14 start=360 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
7 : WDR 2 RHEINLAND (0xd392) Pri subch= 7 start=288 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
8 : 1LIVE (0xd391) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
9 : WDR 3 (0xd393) Pri subch=15 start=414 CUs= 72 PL=eep-3a bitrate=96 DAB+
10 : WDR 5 (0xd395) Pri subch= 4 start=156 CUs= 48 PL=eep-3a bitrate=64 DAB+
11 : WDR Event (0xdf96) Pri subch= 6 start=252 CUs= 36 PL=eep-3a bitrate=48 DAB+
12 : WDR 2 BERG.-LAND (0xdc92) Pri subch=22 start=810 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
13 : WDR 2 S�DWESTF (0xdb92) Pri subch=21 start=756 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
14 : WDR 2 M�NSTERL (0xda92) Pri subch=20 start=702 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
15 : WDR 2 AACHEN (0xd492) Pri subch=19 start=648 CUs= 54 PL=eep-3a bitrate=72 DAB+
dvbstream -c 1 -o 3000 | fedi2eti 3000 10010 | ni2out --list
using pid 3000 ip port 10010
dvbstream v0.7.01 - (C) Dave Chapman 2001-2004
Released under the GPL.
Latest version available from
dvbstream will stop after -1 seconds (71582788 minutes)
Output to stdout
Streaming 2 streams
[04/21/24 07:18:56] Initialise next pseq to 40317
[04/21/24 07:18:56] EDI-AF: Packet sequence error
K9A (0x10fa)
0 : Test 6 (0xd494) Pri subch= 6 start=440 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
1 : Test 8 (0xda94) Pri subch= 8 start=616 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
2 : Test 2 (0xd692) Pri subch= 2 start= 88 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
3 : Test 1 (0xd392) Pri subch= 1 start= 0 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
4 : Test 9 (0xd694) Pri subch= 9 start=704 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
5 : Test 3 (0xd492) Pri subch= 3 start=176 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
6 : Test 4 (0xdc92) Pri subch= 4 start=264 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
7 : Test 7 (0xd394) Pri subch= 7 start=528 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
8 : Test 5 (0xda92) Pri subch= 5 start=352 CUs= 88 PL=eep-2a bitrate=88 DAB+
K9A with the Test entries is due to launch terrestrially soon with additional regional versions of WDR2 and WDR4.