That looks a useful type of clamp from the neewer range of products. Is it part of a tripod assembly or a standalone item?
Nice dish farm!Well the hard labour is almost done, I just have to reassemble the other Raven now it's in its new home.. then the wiring begins.. But it looks wet all weekend so doubtful we'll be done this week
Nice dish farm!
Aye, proper good kit, not a DiSEqC motor in sight as far as eye could see ?
...Just one, hiding at the front on the 1.2m Gibby, ...
On the mezzanine floor that he's going to build on top of that lot (will kill the new grass, mind You)Where is the 3.8m going to sit ?
Might need to evict the neighbours for that but that’s alrightWhere is the 3.8m going to sit ?