So ..windows Legacy geeks ..
I found this on youtube ...with links to download the 2 DVDs..
but ..an account with mega.nz required.
A cloud service ..not unlike dropbox I guess ..
So being the sort of guy who is always wary of anything I have never used before ..set up the account on a relatively unused PC running win 7 ..
that way it doesn't stop me working.
but they do offer 50gb free cloud storage ..so ..a plus there.
Basically using these 2 dvds ..Any Legacy version of Windows can be built to order on ISO ..with updates and service packs ..errr ..slipstreamed I guess ..
Obviously you still need keys to perform actual installs ..
Gonna take a long while to download the 2 dvds ..but ..I'm in no hurry..
..anyone used Mega ?
Only once or twice to share some raspberry pi img' s didn't know it's 50gbs
Might have to look closer at it.