Surely ( not shirley ) the heat generated within the bulb is more from the pcb than the led´s? Cannot ever remember coming across a hot led. My dog´s collar had several led´s and ran off a 3v lithium battery, as do many " Christmas hats " and assorted paraphernalia sold at various times of year. No heat, just pretty lights. I also have about three types of led work lights that run on standard batteries or re-chargeable, never got hot yet.
Or am I using the wrong led´s?
Well ..fwiw ..these high power high brighness leds do generate a fair amount of heat ..
If you don't believe me up an LED TV screen/panel ..if you're brave enough ..
On larger TVs the actual LEDs are mounted on heatsinks not just pcbs ..
In the case of the led bulbs ..I doubt a single LED can generate enough heat to be an issue ...but 12 in close proximity ?
I've yet to check the heat generated's on my to do list ..
Personally I don't believe it to be that excessive but heated air rises ..and will heat any air trapped in the confined space within the glass chamber ..this may result in thermal runaway..
is this chamber sufficiently evacuated even ..?
I simply dont have those answers..
does anyone here know for sure ?
certainly when I smashed that glass it did not pop like a conventional lightbulb.