Eutelsat-33C @ 33.1° (inc 0.14°) 11428 V 10100 Turf TV $ SQ=89%
Thanks for doing these, they are very useful.The above list updated 28th April new list soon.
Thanks Chris1979 that will explain why the signal is jumping up and down.20°W is an inclined satellite, it drifts on and off arc.
I noticed on older lists you had Reuters Live for 20w, but now you have listed something else.
Has Reuters Live level dropped significantly for you too as I'm struggling here to receive it over 6dB, just wondering if that's why you have listed a different channel?
Hahah!Reuters live on 20 west was an error by flysat & I told them so as the frequency was the same as 22 west it was reported by someone with a poorly aligned dish