Got mine SL3K this week with 2 SUP2400 , at one already made the 5 volt mod .
Attached the lnb to my lnb changer on my Fibo 120 with lnb 1 in front of the subreflector .
Tweaked al little with AZ and Elv untill max needles at spectrum and scanned 19.2 E
Found that Horse feed with picture without tweaking the focus , wich I planning to do at better weather .
The lnb changer controlled by PLC has now only 3 positions by 3 endswitches .
I am planning to let it operate again with DiseqC 1.2 with a separate receiver (just for turning the lnb changer)
Putting the SL3K in the middle , between the KU an C lnb , gives me with the diseqc motor control the oppertunity to make 2 more positions .
So I can the KA left (1) and KA right (3) turn in focus for the subreflector .
Also planning the waveguide mod for H/V .
To me its not clear wich lnb is switched on at what setup (22 kHz on/off) , VS can you point me to that from the drawing ?
The SUP2400 (both) inline with a standard KU lnbf , give picture with the normal stored frequenties , it seems to do nothing with the KU signal .