Frankly, that doesn't surprise me as the dishes aren't that dissimilar in "size", and you'd have to get a substantially larger one (1.2-1.3m) for the SS/SQ to improve "dramatically".
It's not simply the "top-edge to bottom-edge" dimension that "counts" but the
overall "signal collection
area" - which will be
much larger on a 1.2-1.3m dish than it is on a "90-100cm" dish.
Edited: think of the issue this way, and I DO know that off-set dishes are not circular (!) - the area of a circle can be calculated by the formula A=p*"r squared" Thus a 100cm circular dish would have an area of 3.142* 50*50 => 3.142*2500 = around 0.8sq metres, whereas a 120 cm dish would have an area of around 1.5 sq metres
, i.e. nearly double that of a 100cm dish!
NB: all calcs done very roughly in my apology for a brain and thus "subject to error", but I think you'll get the "general idea"