45E is now at 45.13E, according to
Intelsat 38 (45°E) - Alle uitzendingen - Frequenties - KingOfSat
So when outlining zero with a USALS setup, I usually check Kingofsat and adjust the orbital position in my receiver, of the satellite that I set my motor setup on.
Apart from that, I set my USALS latitude at the 'modified motor latitude' value (that is: 90 minus the 'modified motor elevation angle').
I once calculated that the difference in outcome is not more than some hundredths of a degree, if I recall right, but I rather want to use the slightly better modified USALS outcome when that is so easy to set. I reckon it will improve overall arc-fitting compromises.
I've never reasoned my way through the effect of play on the axis, and weight of the dish, to the effect on the motor angles (and the needed USALS corrections), though. Would be interesting.
But it is good, that you have the reception you want, now.